info Publication

R. Radcliff and A. Zarnadze, Application of Membrane Technology to the Production of Drinking Water, 2004


Membrane technology has been used in Florida, Texas and California for the production of drinking water from groundwater sources. Current drinking water regulations and the proposed Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule may drive many utilities, which currently use only conventional treatment technology to treatsurface water, to switch to membranes—or add a membrane process to treatment. Blending of membrane treated water with conventionally treated water may be necessary to meet the water quality objectives. Many factors, like stricter drinking water quality standards, population movements to arid areas, or increased knowledge of pollutants may contribute to the need to utilize membranes in lieu of conventional treatment technologies. Because many pollutants may not be removed by conventional treatment, membrane technology may be the best solution for meeting future regulatory requirements. Membranes can play a part in meeting increasing demands for clean drinking water through, desalination ofsalt waters, increased use ofsurface water and reclamation of wastewater. This paper provides an understanding of membrane types used in drinking water, their application and pollutants removed by membranes.

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Case studies

Issued publications that refer to the application of tool/technology to the case study/Living Lab.